
Guided tours

Guided tours are available to let visitors discover the different periods, themes and personalities who helped shape the legend of Monte Verità.


+41 91 785 40 40, [email protected]
Tea House 091 791 43 00, 079 311 79 66, [email protected]


Monte Verità: Experiments of life and art

Discover the fascinating history of the “Hill of Utopia”, following a path through the park accompanied by tellings of personalities, historical periods, buildings, projects and examples of utopias. From the anarchists to the reformers, from the typical “air-light” huts to the Bauhaus, from art to literature, from Baron von der Heydt to Harald Szeemann – testimonies and witnesses of a century of history.

Duration: 90 minutes
Price: CHF 180.- (max 20 persons)
On request


Museum Casa Anatta

On this guided tour, you will have the opportunity to explore the charming Casa Anatta and the historic art exhibition and installation of 1978 by the famous curator Harald Szeemann entitled Le mammelle della verità (The breasts of truth). Divided into various thematic sections, the exhibition charts the history of the utopias cultivated at Monte Verità and the intellectual and artistic ferment that pervaded the entire region from 1869 onwards. The museum tour also includes a new exhibition entitled The Truths of a Mountain, which introduces the figure of Harald Szeemann and offers an insight into how the exhibition Le mammelle della verità came together.

Duration: 90 minutes
Price: CHF 180.- (max 20 persons)
On request

Tea culture and the Japanese tea ceremony

The tea ceremony begins with a detailed introduction to the culture of tea. After this you will be able visit the Zen Garden, participate in the tea ceremony (tea tasting included) which takes places at Monte Verità Tea House. After this there will still be time to answer your questions, visit the workroom and talk about tea culture.

Duration: 90 minutes
Schedule: 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month (subjct to variations)
Price: CHF 60.00, groups on request

Booking: Tea House


Excursion to Places of Power

Visit with us some of the following energetic places: the Hill of Truth, with his geomantic characteristics; the Valley of Silence, a fascinating natural cathedral; the top of the Balladrum with its Celtic remains and the wonderful view over the Lake Maggiore; the source Madonna della Fontana, a very popular place of pilgrimage. Through stories and simple exercises we are able to immerse ourselves in the history and magical atmosphere of this area.

The excursions are accompanied by experts in places of power.

Duration: About 110 or 170 min. (actual walking time about 60 or 90 min.)
Schedule: ON REQUEST From 5 persons
Walking: Low /middle difficulty
Necessary: Suitable footwear and protection against sun and rain
Price: CHF 25.00 or 35.00

groups on request

Visita per ragazzi e scolaresche -
Alla scoperta della favolosa storia di un monte e dei suoi originali abitanti



Il Monte Verità di Ascona: la storia, gli ideali, i valori e l’eredità culturale.
Una proposta rivolta agli allievi delle scuole elementari e medie del territorio.

Portate la vostra classe a fare una passeggiata nel parco del Monte, durante la quale i ragazzi scopriranno la storia del luogo: ritorno alla natura, libertà, fratellanza, società vegetabiliana e balabiòtt, sono alcuni dei temi e delle curiosità che verranno trattati.

A chi è destinato: allievi delle scuole elementari, dalla 1ª alla 5ª, allievi delle scuole medie

Durata: 90 minuti
Prezzo: CHF 150.00
Solo su richiesta




Please note that both the guided tour of the park and of the museum complex do not include the entrance fee to the museums, which must be paid separately.